Podcast Highlights
Australian Michael Griffin is the author of “Metacognition: Teaching Children to Think”. He’s also an educator, keynote speaker, conductor and pianist.
Michael’s professional development for staff and enrichment lectures for students and parents examine the factors that impact continuous improvement toward exceptional achievement. Face-to-face sessions, online courses and published books, explore teacher/student mindsets, metacognition, intrinsic motivation and deliberate practice.
Links Mentioned in the Episode:
Metacognition: Teaching Children to Think
Feel the Fear…and Do It Anyway
Michael Griffin has created a discount coupon code:
- Podcast listeners can enter the code debbie20 for a 20% discount on any of my five online courses or for books ordered online. The courses can be accessed here: https://courses.professional-development.com.au/ and books https://professional-development.com.au/books/
Michael’s personal website is professional-development.com.au and contact michael@professional-development.com.au
Where to find me:
Crescendo Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crescendocommunity
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