Yrs 4 to 6 Sem 2 Workbooks – Word Format

Crescendo Music Education

Yrs 4 to 6 Sem 2 Workbooks – Word Format

The latest edition (January 2017 – using the New Australian Curriculum) of the very useful workbooks for Semester 2. They can be run off at half size, making an A5 booklet (with the clever photocopier folding and stapling in the spine), and they are still legible and easy for the students to use. Easy to store (use a zip lock bag for each class and pop them in year level tubs), easy to hand out, use and collect. Students take them home at the end of the semester to show families the great work you do in music! These books are GOLD!

Download only available to:

  • Forte Members
  • Fortissimo Members
  • Sforzato Members

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The latest edition (January 2017 – using the New Australian Curriculum) of the very useful workbooks for Semester 2. They can be run off at half size, making an A5 booklet (with the clever photocopier folding and stapling in the spine), and they are still legible and easy for the students to use. Easy to store (use a zip lock bag for each class and pop them in year level tubs), easy to hand out, use and collect. Students take them home at the end of the semester to show families the great work you do in music! These books are GOLD!

These books contain: Core Content, an assessment task with rubric (and a version easy for your students to understand), a series of 14 activities that include a short aural activity and one other task. The tasks cover notation, art music (one piece per semester), aural skills (rhythmic and melodic), composition, dynamics….and some pages at the end that are fun revision (great for relief teachers or sore throat days). There is also a glossary and some manuscript at the back. The glossary if great for revision for the end of semester test.

You will need Bach Font to read the music notation in the word versions. It is a free download. http://www.mu.qub.ac.uk/tomita/bachfont/BF-installation.htm

Download only available to:

  • Forte Members
  • Fortissimo Members
  • Sforzato Members

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1 review for Yrs 4 to 6 Sem 2 Workbooks – Word Format

  1. William Ferrier

    Hello. In the year 4 booklet Activity 1 it says circle the interval you hear but all the intervals are the same answer….M2 m3. Help?

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