One Two Three Four BW (with names)
This rhyme is great for feeling the beat. You can change the text to include the names of the children in your group. This is a great way to build in repetition without any chance of boredom!
I like to give an instrument (usually a drum) to the two children whose names we are putting into the rhyme. They play along with the rhyme on their section of the rhyme.
Download only available to:
- Forte Members
- Fortissimo Members
- Sforzato Members
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This rhyme is great for feeling the beat. You can change the text to include the names of the children in your group. This is a great way to build in repetition without any chance of boredom!
I like to give an instrument (usually a drum) to the two children whose names we are putting into the rhyme. They play along with the rhyme on their section of the rhyme.
Download only available to:
- Forte Members
- Fortissimo Members
- Sforzato Members
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