Colouring Skips vs. Steps (Fortissimo)
Enjoy colouring these quirky designs which also help your students to distinguish between steps vs. skips. These sheets have no clef, so they are suitable for all voices and instruments.
Included are:
3 Different Colouring Worksheets: featuring ascending and descending steps and skips
+ 3 Identical “Choose Your Own” Colouring Worksheets for students to pick their own colours.
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Unable to accept payment from The Department of Education Queensland.
Enjoy colouring these quirky designs which also help your students to distinguish between steps vs. skips. These sheets have no clef, so they are suitable for all voices and instruments.
Included are:
3 Different Colouring Worksheets: featuring ascending and descending steps and skips
+ 3 Identical “Choose Your Own” Colouring Worksheets for students to pick their own colours.
Download available to:
Fortissimo Members
Sforzato Members
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