Podcast Highlights
Kate’s evidence-based intervention, Rhythm & Movement for Self-Regulation (RAMSR), is delivered by over 1000 adults internationally.
Kate Williams is an Associate Professor in the School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education, QUT. She leads the Centre for Child & Family Studies and is Academic Lead (Engagement) for her school. Kate is also a member of the Centre for Child Health & Wellbeing. Kate’s research aims to address inequities in health, wellbeing, and educational outcomes that often arise due to early childhood adversity. She is an expert on children’s development of self-regulation and the parenting, educational, and intervention contexts that support such, along with the developmental outcomes associated with children’s self-regulatory functioning. This includes children’s regulation of attention, emotion, executive function, and their sleep behaviours. She is also involved in program evaluation and interested in the measurement of children’s development and wellbeing.
Kate is also a Registered Music Therapist and so is interested in the ways that music can be used to support children’s development.
Rhythm and Movement (Links Mentioned):
- Your Rhythm & Movement for Self-Regulation (RAMSR) Work (3:53)
- Highlights of your journey as a Music Educator? (11:35)
- Most Influential Person in Your Life (16:48)
- For what are you most grateful? (21:44)
- ‘Nuggets of Fabulous’ (23:33)
- Look After Your Own Musical Diet
- Have More FUN!
- ‘Window’ to the Brain
- Advocacy for Music Educators (28:11)
- Get on your soap box! (32:55)
Contact Kate via Email (ramsr@qut.edu.au) or Linkedin
Join the RAMSR Community HERE.
Where to find me:
Crescendo Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crescendocommunity
Official Crescendo Page: https://www.facebook.com/CrescendoMusicEd/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CrescendoMusicEd
Twitter: https://twitter.com/crescendomusic
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/debbie-o-shea-62a3741b/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/CrescendoDebbie/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/crescendodebbie/