Here's a Thought!

Are you a Music Teacher who would like to start your day with a burst of optimism and positivity?

Join 'Here's a Thought' for...

a moment of reflection every day

positive encouragement in your inbox

short reminders of how deeply important your work is

365 completely original tiny uplifting daily messages of hope and purpose written by Debbie


Here's a Thought: Start Your Day with a Smile

Does this sound like you? You walk into your classroom in the morning, turn on your computer, and open up your email inbox. Does your blood pressure immediately go up with all of the deadlines, reminders, and messages from administrators, students and parents? Mine does! And that is no way to start a beautiful day!

Instead, start your day with a tiny word of encouragement just for music teachers! Each message is handwritten and contains all-original ideas, words of wisdom, and reminders of your purpose from me (Debbie).

It's like getting a warm 'Good Morning!' from me to you, and it'll help every day get off on the right foot.

Today is a beautiful day to be reminded how important music teachers are! 

Here's a Thought Mid-page
More Uplifting Than Your Morning Cup of Coffee

365 Tiny Notes of Wisdom & Purpose Just For Music Teachers!

You work so hard for your music students, but sometimes it begins to feel overwhelming and routine. Join me for 'Here's a Thought' to reset your mind, remember why you became a music teacher, and get a burst of short encouragement to start your day in your inbox!

Every email can be read in 30-seconds or less (because you're busy changing lives!)

Bite-size inspiration in 30-seconds or less

Here's a Thought Includes

365 bite-size emails in completely handwritten by me (Debbie) to you, and you can read each one in 30-seconds or less including:

  • My Motivational Music Quotes
  • Inspiring Things to Make You Smile
  • Uplifting Words of Wisdom for Music Teachers
  • Short Reminders to Reflect On Throughout Your Busy Day
  • and more!
Here's a Thought Landing Page

Interested in learning more about the Crescendo Music Education membership?

All About

Debbie O'Shea

Debbie O’Shea is an enthusiastic and experienced music educator. Her qualifications include a Masters of Music Studies, a Graduate Diploma of Music Education, a Bachelor of Education, and the Holy Names Kodaly Summer Certificate (California). Debbie is passionate about supporting music educators through Crescendo Music Education. She has worked as a classroom teacher, primary music specialist, early childhood music teacher, curriculum writer, lecturer, workshop presenter, massed choir conductor, composer. She has had the honour of working with Education Queensland, Catholic Education, KMEIA Qld, Musica Viva in Schools, Music Count Us In, UQ and Griffith University.


What members have to say about the
Crescendo Music Education Membership...

Carolyn Gunston

"I use many of the resources from Crescendo in my teaching. It is wonderful to know that I have a place that I can easily go to if I need any support or ideas.

I would highly recommend becoming a member of Crescendo Music to all music teachers!"

Cathy Cheel

"I attended a number of workshops before I became a Crescendo member but only after I took up membership, did I realise how much information and support I had been missing out on in previous years. 

I now feel that any problem I have or any time I am looking for fresh ideas, I can look back on newsletters, email Debbie or attend a workship and I’ll always have support. It's good to connect with other music teachers, share ideas and find solutions to some of the problems we face at school.

Crescendo provides a great sense of community which is invaluable amongst specialist teachers."

Anne O’Regan

"Being the only primary music teacher at my school means that I have no colleagues with which I can discuss planning, resources and assessment. I felt professionally

I feel much more organised and supported in my teaching role [now]. I think feedback to students is more authentic and the criteria for tasks is much clearer. My lessons are
more engaging with the resources I have gathered at workshops and through the [membership] website."